Instead of providing every user with the same experience, why not delight them with a conversation that feels human and aims to serve their individual needs as efficiently as possible, by leveraging available data signals, audience insights combined with a robust content strategy, and engaging opportunities to learn more about them — to then deliver the  most relevant and valuable recommendations.
Roles: Strategy, Design
Agency: Triad
Meet Stefanie
Or is it Stefan? We actually don't know. But what we do know is the shopper is in New York on a chilly Saturday afternoon in December. We also know the shopper accessed the Hair Care page directly through the main category nav, giving us little insight about his or her interests ... We want to engage Stefan(ie) in a two-way conversation, in order to learn more about his or her preferences.
Welcome back, June!
June is a frequent shopper and rewards user on the site. She is currently logged in and, based on past engagement and purchase insights, we see she’s into trends and very likely has curly hair. We want to leverage this first-party user data to provide June with quick, personalized options based on her past activity and purchase history. We also left the door open for her to explore other products and interests, if she likes, through standard sub-category links and minimal evergreen content.
Continuing the conversation with Lucy
Lucy clicked on a Facebook post about finding hair color inspiration. Knowing this, we want to provide her with this specific content and related options to help her find the right product(s) and learn about hair care for color treated hair. We hope that she finds it useful and spreads the word!

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